The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 PDF indir

The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 PDF indir, e-kitap sitemizde The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 kitabı ile ilgili bilgi vereceğiz. Meriç Gülcü tarafından kaleme alınan The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 kitabı 226 sayfadan oluşup, Ciltsiz kapak olarak yayınlanmıştır. The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 kitabını 9786055450670 numarası ile kontrolünü yapabilirsiniz. The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 kitap özeti, The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 pdf oku, The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 yandex, Meriç Gülcü e-kitap pdf, The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 PDF Drive, The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 Epub ile alakalı indirme linkleri makalemizde.

The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 PDF Oku

The Compass : Route to Academic English 2 Kısa Özet

The Compass: Route to Academic English 2 adopts a constructivist and learner-centred instruction by integrating the four skills- reading, writing, listening, and speaking- using a thematic approach.

All the texts and tasks in the book revolve around one main theme: Power. THE COMPASS: Route to Academic English 2 looks at the theme of *power* from different views and each unit dwells on one specific aspect of the concept, starting with the concept of *Power and the Individual* and gradually moving towards a broader topic: *Power and the Rich*.

Key Features:

  • Designed for tertiary-level learners
  • Develops four skills in language
  • İntroduces the conventions of academic discourse
  • Teaches basics of research skills for academic writing
  • Teaches fundamentals of APA reference rules for documentation
  • Provides varied samples and exercises on summarizing, paraphrasing, using direct quotations and synthesizing
  • Teaches argumentative and reaction response essay writing
  • Accompanied with clear models of documented argumentative and reaction response essays
  • Encourages students to be better writers and speakers
  • Enhances cognitive skills
  • Facilitates higher order thinking skills
  • Helps learners analyse, synthesize and evaluate ideas
  • Provides a variety of speaking tasks to develop confidence
  • Provides a variety of writing tasks to develop a mature writing style
  • Addresses students’ affective domain with the contemporary and controversial issues
  • Presents different language skills
  • Recycles the skills covered

Navigating the rough patches in the academic landscape is a tough experience…All you need to survive is… * The Compass*!

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